
Horizon Prime Hospital - Thane

Sepsis A Silent and Hidden Killer

Sepsis: A Silent and Hidden Killer

Sepsis: A Silent and Hidden Killer

By Dr. Hrushikesh Vaidya, Medical Director and Chairman of Horizon Group of Hospitals

Sepsis is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, claiming millions of lives each year. Affecting
nearly 50 million people annually and resulting in 11 million deaths globally, sepsis is a serious health
crisis that demands urgent attention. In India alone, around four out of 10 patients with sepsis
succumb to this life-threatening condition. Despite its prevalence, awareness about sepsis remains
low. Every year on September 13th, World Sepsis Day is observed to raise global awareness about
this critical condition.

What is Sepsis?

Sepsis occurs when the body’s immune system has an extreme reaction to an infection, leading to
organ dysfunction and potential death. It can result from viral, bacterial, or fungal infections.
Without early diagnosis and treatment, sepsis can progress to septic shock, multiple organ failure,
and death.

Dr. Hrushikesh Vaidya explains, “Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that causes the body to
damage its own tissues and organs in response to infection. If not recognized and treated early, it
can lead to shock, organ failure, and even death.” At Horizon Group of Hospitals, we have treated
close to 5,000 sepsis patients, including over 800 in the past year alone.

Recognizing the Symptoms of Sepsis
Early recognition of sepsis is key to improving survival rates. Sepsis symptoms can vary but often
– Fever or low body temperature
– Disorientation or confusion
– Slurred speech
– Rapid heartbeat
– Severe breathlessness
– Cold, clammy, pale, or mottled skin
– Extreme pain or discomfort
– Lightheadedness due to low blood pressure

In children, additional symptoms include:
– Fast breathing
– Convulsions
– Pale skin
– Lethargy or difficulty waking up
– Cold to the touch
– Difficulty feeding, frequent vomiting, or lack of urination in children under 5 years old

Who is at Risk?
While sepsis can affect anyone, certain groups are at higher risk, including:
– Older adults
– Pregnant or recently pregnant women
– Newborns and young children
– Hospitalized patients, particularly those in intensive care units (ICUs)
– Individuals with weakened immune systems (e.g., HIV, cancer patients)
– People with chronic medical conditions such as kidney disease, liver cirrhosis, and diabetes

Preventing Sepsis
Preventing infections is the most effective way to reduce the risk of sepsis. Dr. Vaidya emphasizes
the importance of good hygiene practices at home and in healthcare settings. Hospitals should
adhere to strict infection prevention and control protocols, and antibiotics should be used
judiciously to treat infections.

“Implementing preventive measures such as improved sanitation, clean water, vaccination, and
infection control practices in healthcare settings are crucial in reducing the occurrence of sepsis,”
says Dr. Vaidya.

Treating Sepsis at Horizon Group of Hospitals
At Horizon Group of Hospitals, early identification and prompt treatment of sepsis are top priorities.
Dr. Vaidya explains, “Early diagnosis is critical in reducing mortality. Our highly trained nurses are
skilled at recognizing the early signs of sepsis and taking immediate action.”

Horizon uses advanced treatments such as Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (CRRT) with a
specialized blood purification filter that removes inflammatory mediators, endotoxins, and uremic
toxins to treat sepsis effectively.

Sepsis is a life-threatening condition that requires timely intervention to prevent severe
complications and death. Awareness, early diagnosis, and proper treatment are essential to saving
lives. With advanced care and expertise at Horizon Group of Hospitals, we strive to provide the best
possible treatment for patients affected by sepsis.

By spreading awareness and promoting preventive measures, we can collectively work towards
reducing the burden of sepsis and saving lives.

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