- Right to be Treated with Respect
- Right to freedom from discrimination, coercion, harassment, and exploitation
- Right to dignity and independence
- Right to services of an appropriate standard
- Right to effective communication
- Right to be fully informed about estimate cost of treatment, benefits vs risk.
- Right to make an informed choice and give informed consent
- Right to support
- Right to change your hospital any time (on your risk which may be explained to you)
- Right to complain to the management in appropriate mode.
- Take part in the development of an individual care plan with nursing staff to enable your specific needs and cares to be met.
- Provide the necessary information about your previous medical/surgical history to enable safe treatment and care.
- Keep staff informed about any changes in your condition or situation.
- Maintain your own health and function during your hospitalization, with assistance from nursing staff as necessary.
- Respect the rights, needs, and dignity of other patients in the vicinity.
- Be courteous to staff and respectful of their rights and professional opinion.
- Respect organizational policies, i.e., safety, security, no smoking, individuals’ privacy and confidentiality, visiting hours, etc.
- Treat hospital property with care and use only for the purpose for which it was designed.
- Follow instructions of staff in the event of an emergency.