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Dr. Arvind Gahlot

dr. Arvind Gahlot
Dr. Arvind Gahlot
Cardio Thoracic Surgeon
022 6855 6855
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Dr. Arvind Gahlot is a prominent Cardiothoracic surgeon in Mumbai. After completing MCH (CVTS) from Grant medical college, he has done more than 2000 cases in 15 years and has hands-on experience in Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Surgery, By-Pass Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Open Heart Surgery for Valve Replacement and Repair He gained Special expertise In Complex Aortic and Valve Surgery. He also sees and treats patients with blackouts, chest pains and high blood pressure. Dr. Arvind Gahlot has also given endless lectures in medical colleges, attended several national and international conferences.

Specialty Cardio Thoracic Surgeon
Degrees M.Ch.(CVTS), M.S. (Gen. Surgery)
Timing By Appointment
Work Days