At Horizon Prime we also have advance Sleep Clinic which treats various sleep related breathing disorders such as Central as well as Obstructive Sleep Apnea.
We are proud to announce Mumbai’s first dedicated Sleep Disorders Centre. We plan to provide complete polysomnographs (Sleep Studies) which include EEG , and multiple other parameters.
Usually used to diagnose Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) , the polysomnogram can be used to diagnose a variety of other sleep disorders. OSA usually being a realm of a Pulmonologist there are a variety of sleep disorders that are affecting our patients, examples involve Restless Legs Syndrome (RLS), Parasomnias (Abnormal sleep behaviours), Insomnia (inability to sleep).

How We Treat
The centre would include a multispecialty approach with a dedicated psychologist for insomnia treatment, ENT for nasal obstruction, Psychiatrist for mental health issues and oral maxillofacial surgeons for certain craniofacial abnormalities. This approach is the best to treat sleep disorders.
Introducing Nidra Smart Device - An Effective Solution For Obstructive Sleep Apnea
Dr. Hrushikesh Vaidya finds a way to treat Obstructive Sleep Apnea, without actually manipulating your sleep cycle. Much different from CPAP, much better than it! Nidra, a Sanskirt word meaning ‘sleep posture’, improves the quality of your sleep by opening your airways or nostrils, keeping your nose untouched, at the same time.
Nidra Smart Device truly stands by its name. It is a non-invasive neck collar that treats snoring and Sleep Apnea.
To know everything about Nidra Smart Device, visit our official website: