COVID19 cases are rising again: Here’s what should be our “Cautious Plan!”
On Wednesday, India announced an extension of its COVID-19 vaccination program but cautioned that violations of coronavirus protocols could intensify an infection outbreak in several states. Nearly a month after the health minister announced COVID-19 contained, states like Maharashtra in the west and Kerala in the south have seen a rise in cases, owing to an increasing aversion to wearing masks and maintain social distancing.
It is time for us to take necessary precautions to avoid being infected and be cautious. Horizon Prime is here for you even in these difficult times. Stay Home, Stay Safe!
Here’s what should be our “Cautious Plan!”
- Stay as far away from other people and pets as possible in your house.
- When they would be with other individuals, they can wear a cotton face covering (or a face mask, if they have one). Cloth face coverings can only be used by people above the age of two who are not having difficulties breathing. If a child is wearing a fabric face covering, do not leave them alone. Check out CDC’s guide to learn how to put on and remove fabric face coverings and face masks, as well as how to scrub them and make your own cloth face covering.
https://www.instagram.com/p/CL3HBTYq6wy/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link - Make sure you cough and sneeze into a towel, remove the tissue, and then wash your hands. Hands should be cleaned with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or alcohol-based hand sanitizer should be used.
- If possible, sleep in a separate bed and use a toilet separate from the rest of the family.
- Avoid exchanging plates, glasses, cups, or eating utensils with other members of the family. With each use, either places them in the dishwasher or wash them in very hot, soapy water.
- Keep the bedding and towels apart and do not share them with other family members.
Take all the necessary precautions. Don’t let your barriers down. We urge citizens to obey all precautionary steps against Covid-19 in order to prevent potential upcoming waves of the virus in our country and to rule out the risk of a lockdown. Let’s turn Covid19 into an endemic instead of a pandemic. Controlling herd immunity and limiting person-to-person transmission speeds as much as possible is the best way to get there. As the virus is stifled, even the most violent and newer covid strains will disappear into the background as the infection runs out of potential hosts to infect. Although there is no need to be alarmed about the latest mutants, we cannot afford to be complacent about the present pandemic scenario. Let us all face this virus-like warrior, whether you are on or not because they who have health have hope and they who have hope have everything!
We are extremely proud to announce that Horizon Prime hospital has been selected as Covid Vaccination Centre (CVC) by the Government. Our Covid19 vaccination center is all set up to run exceptionally well and is now open to the public. Excited to serve our nation & happy to make a difference in the global pandemic!
Horizon Prime Fights COVID19 – Right care, Right here!